Docker Plans FAQs

Docker plans overview

Docker Business のお客様ですが、プランの新機能は何ですか?

Docker Business の定価は変わりませんが、Docker のより多くの製品にアクセスできるようになりました。

  • Docker Build Cloudは、シートごとに追加の料金を支払う代わりに、Dockerプラン のすべてのユーザーが 利用できるようになりました。 Build Cloud の使用方法を学びます。
  • Docker Build Cloud に含まれる分数は、 800/月から 1500/月に増加しています。
  • Docker Scoutには、継続的な脆弱性分析を行う無制限のリポジトリが含まれるようになりました。これは、 3. Docker Scout のクイックスタートを開始します。
  • 1500 Testcontainers Cloud ランタイム分数が、Docker Desktop または CI で使用できるようになりました。
  • Docker Hub hourly image pull rate limits have been removed.
  • 月間 1M Docker Hub のプルが含まれています。

追加の Build Cloud 分数、Testcontainers Cloud ランタイム分数、または Hub プルまたはストレージが必要な場合は、使用量ベースの料金でプランに追加できます。 詳細については、 価格ページを参照してください

Docker Team のお客様ですが、プランの新機能は何ですか?

Docker Team now include the following benefits:

  • Instead of paying an additional per-seat fee, Docker Build Cloud is now available to all users in your Docker plan. Learn how to use Build Cloud.
  • Docker Build Cloud の分数は 400/月から 500/月に増加しています。
  • Docker Scoutには、継続的な脆弱性分析を行う無制限のリポジトリが含まれるようになりました。これは、 3. Docker Scout のクイックスタートを開始します。
  • 500 Testcontainers Cloud ランタイム分数が、Docker Desktop または CI で使用できるようになりました。
  • Docker Hub hourly image pull rate limits will be removed.
  • 100K Docker Hub の月間プルが含まれています。
  • 最小ユーザー数は 1 です( 5から引き下げられます)

Docker Team price increased from $9/user/month (annual) to $15/user/mo (annual) and from $11/user/month (monthly) to $16/user/month (monthly). If you require additional Build Cloud minutes, Testcontainers Cloud runtime minutes, or Hub pulls or storage, you can add these to your plan with consumption-based pricing, or reach out to sales for invoice pricing. See the pricing page for more details.

Docker Pro のお客様ですが、プランの新機能は何ですか?

Docker Pro now includes:

  • Docker Build Cloud の分数が 100回/月から 200回に増加し、月額料金がかかりませんでした。 Build Cloud の使用方法を学びます。
  • 2 Docker Scout の継続的な脆弱性分析を含むリポジトリが含まれています。 Docker Scout のクイックスタートを開始します。
  • 100 Testcontainers Cloud ランタイム分数が、Docker Desktop または CI で使用できるようになりました。
  • Docker Hub hourly image pull rate limits will be removed.
  • 25K Docker Hub の月間プルが含まれています。

Docker Pro plans increased from $5/month (annual) to $9/month (annual) and from $7/month (monthly) to $11/month (monthly). If you require additional Build Cloud minutes, Docker Scout repos, Testcontainers Cloud runtime minutes, or Hub pulls or storage, you can add these to your plan with consumption-based pricing. See the pricing page for more details.


Docker Personal plans remain free but still subject to our licensing terms.


  • 1 Docker Scoutの継続的な脆弱性分析を含むリポジトリが含まれています。 Docker Scout のクイックスタートを開始します。
  • 無制限のパブリック Docker Hub リポジトリ。
  • 2GB のストレージを持つ 1 つのプライベート Docker Hub リポジトリ。
  • Docker Hub イメージのプル レート制限を 40 プル/時間/ユーザーの更新しました。

認証されていないユーザーは、Docker Hub のプル/時間/IP アドレス 10 に制限されます。

Docker Personal users who want to start or continue using Docker Build Cloud may trial the service for seven days, or upgrade to a Docker Pro plan. Docker Personal users may also trial Testcontainers Cloud for 7 days.

When does new pricing go into effect?

New pricing goes into effect on December 10, 2024, for all new customers.

既存のすべてのお客様については、新しい価格は 9年 12 月 2024日以降の次回更新日から有効になります。 更新すると、新しいプランの特典と資格を受け取ります。 現在から更新日までの間に、既存のプランの詳細が適用されます。


サブスクリプションでは、Docker 製品の全機能をご利用いただけます。各サブスクリプションプランには、Docker 製品群の各機能、使用制限、および関連するコストが明確に示されています。


すべてのユーザーは、Docker Build Cloud、Docker Scout、Testcontainers Cloud にアクセスするために認証が必要です。Docker Desktop と Hub を使用する際には、すべての機能を利用するために認証を行うことを強くお勧めします。これにより、組織は製品の導入状況を明確に把握でき、セキュリティ上の追加のメリットも得ることができます。

Once a subscription is active, Docker will automatically provision and activate the account for the customer to access each of the products. Please refer to this doc for more details.


Yes. By default, once the subscription is active, the users of a subscription plan will have access to all products. At the same time, the owners or admins of a subscription plan can disable a service in the admin console. Please refer to this doc for more details.

Docker サブスクリプションプランの料金を支払う必要があるユーザーは?


For small companies with fewer than 250 employees AND less than $10M in revenue, Docker will continue to offer free usage of Docker Desktop only under the following terms:

4.2 Specific License Limitations for Standalone use of Docker Desktop.
(a) The use of Docker Desktop without a paid Subscription, is further restricted
(i) to your use for a non-commercial open source project and/or (ii) use in a commercial undertaking with fewer than 250 employees and less than US $10,000,000 (or equivalent local currency) in annual revenue. Government Entities shall not use Docker Desktop or access other Entitlements of the Service without purchasing a Subscription

Docker’s open-source software such as the Docker Engine is accessible for all and supported by the Moby project maintainers and community members.

「Free Team」プランに加入していますが、どのような特典がありますか?
Free Team plans include unlimited public repos, one team, up to 3 seats, and 40 pulls/hr/user instead of 10 pulls/hr/IP address. They do not have access to Testcontainers Cloud, or Docker Build Cloud without upgrading to Pro, Team, or Business plan depending on requirements. Users on Free Team plans that wish to upgrade to the new paid plans can do so on December 10, 2024.



25人以上のユーザーを持つ Docker Team および Docker Business のお客様は、営業担当者にご連絡いただくことで請求書払いで年間プランを購入できます。
ビジネスサブスクリプションプランのお客様には、Docker の営業チームが消費ベースの製品 (Build Cloud 時間、Scout リポジトリ、Testcontainers Cloud ランタイム時間、Hub 消費) の請求書払いでの事前購入のサポートを提供することも可能です。


For the sales-led purchase, an invoice will be issued to the customers at the end of the monthly billing cycle when on-demand consumption is incurred.

Docker Hub

For general Docker Hub documentation, visit The questions below are focused on the announced Docker Hub limits that will take effect on March 1, 2025.

What does Docker Hub Consumption Pricing mean?

Docker Hub consumption pricing provides flexibility and scalability, allowing users to pay for additional pulls and storage beyond what’s included in their plans. The Docker Hub consumption pricing will take effect on March 1, 2025.

Docker Pro users have 25K Docker Hub pulls and 2GB storage per private repo included per month. Team and Business users have 100K and 1M Docker Hub pulls and 50GB and 500GB storage per month per subscription respectively. For additional pulls and storage, users have the option to pre-purchase consumption or pay for consumption on demand. Please refer to our docs for included pulls and storage for your plans.

For all existing customers, new Hub consumption pricing will take effect on your next renewal date after March 1, 2025. When you renew, you will receive the benefits and entitlements of the new plans. Between now and your renewal date, your existing plan details will apply.

「現在の Docker Hub の使用状況がプランの制限を超える可能性がある」という通知はどういう意味ですか?

All billing contacts and/or organization owners who may be affected by the upcoming Docker Hub image pull and storage limits were sent a communication. Review your Docker Hub usage, optimize image pulls, audit and remove repositories, delete duplicate user accounts in Docker, pre-purchase consumption or upgrade to a high tier plan are some ways to help you manage Hub usage and limits. Please refer to this doc for more info on best practices.


An image pull includes both a version check and any images downloaded as a result of a pull request from either public or private repositories on Docker Hub.

Version checks that don’t result in image downloads do not count towards usage pricing.

How do hourly Image pull rate limits work?

There is no hourly image pull rate limit for users or automated systems with a paid subscription. However, the monthly pull count limits still apply. For example, for Docker Pro users, there’s no hourly image pull rate limit but if they go over their monthly allotment of 25, 000 pulls/month, they must pay for the additional consumption for that month.

Docker Personal users using Docker Hub will experience hourly rate limits on image pull requests. For authenticated Personal users, there is a 40 pull/hour rate limit per user; for unauthenticated users, there is a 10 pull/hour rate limit per IP address.

For more information on image pull rates, please visit this doc.

Docker counts image pulls associated with any Docker subscription plan. For Team and Business subscribers this includes aggregating pulls from all users of all organizations that are part of the same subscription plan.

Each subscription plan has restrictions on the storage space used by all private repositories under the plan.

Private repository storage is calculated monthly based on the amount of storage at the start of each month plus the net amount of storage accumulated throughout the month, calculated hourly. We refer to this calculation as TimedStorage-ByteHrs. Only storage that exceeds your included limit is billed.

For more information on storage space definition, usage, and examples please check out the Hub doc page.

How do I pay for the consumption of image pulls and storage?

Customers have the option to pre-purchase image pulls or storage beyond their plan’s limit. Unit pricing for pre-purchased consumption is less than for on-demand consumption.

For customers who have not pre-purchased additional consumption, or their actual consumption exceeds their pre-purchased amount, on-demand charges will apply. On-demand consumption is charged at a slightly higher rate than pre-purchased consumption.

When does the pre-purchased consumption expire?

Customers are free to purchase any amount of consumption at any time during the subscription period. All pre-purchased consumption expires at the end of a customer’s subscription term. Docker offers subscriptions on a monthly, annual, and, in some cases, multi-year basis. For example, if an annual customer pre-purchases consumption halfway through their subscription term, those pre-purchased consumption will expire at the end of their annual subscription term.

How do I know how much consumption of pulls and storage I need to pre-purchase?

To determine how much to buy for the consumption of image pulls and storage on Docker Hub, you can follow these steps:

Review Your Current Usage

  • リアルタイムで使用状況を監視する:Docker Hub では、イメージプルやストレージの現在の使用状況を追跡できるダッシュボードを提供しています。このダッシュボードでは、プランの制限に対して、どれだけのイメージプルが行われ、どれだけのストレージが使用されているかが表示されます。


  • 過去のデータを分析する:過去数ヶ月の使用パターンを確認し、今後必要となる量を予測します。使用量が増加している場合は、より多くの消費を見込んで計画を立てます。
  • 今後の使用ケースを考慮する:新しいプロジェクトや活動の増加を予定している場合は、それを考慮して将来の消費量を見積もります。


  • Account for peak periods: If your usage varies significantly (e.g., you have peak periods of activity), consider pre-purchasing more to cover these times.


  • イメージプル:1か月あたりの平均プル回数を把握しており、増加を見込んでいる場合は、予想される使用量と現在のプランの制限との差を計算します。この差に見合う、または少し上回る単位で追加のプルを購入します。
  • ストレージ:リポジトリのサイズと保存予定の新しいコンテンツに基づいて、必要な追加ストレージの量を計算します。増加の予想に合わせてストレージを段階的に購入します。
Do I get an alert when I am over the limit of pre-purchased consumption?

Email alerts will be available when Hub pricing goes into effect. The Hub organization owners and admins will be notified when approaching their usage limits. For example, at 80%, 90%, or 100% of the total consumption which includes both consumption that comes with the subscription and any pre-purchased amount.

In-product notification will also be available at a later time.


As of December 10th, 2024, Docker will no longer offer Service Accounts as an add-on for customers on new plans.

Existing Service Account agreements will be honored until their current term expires. Going forward, pre-purchased consumption of pulls will take place of Service Accounts.

IP 許可リストをまだ購入できますか?
Docker は、IP 許可リスト機能の標準提供を段階的に廃止します。
既存の契約はそのまま適用されますが、新しい購入については個別に確認が必要となります。Docker は、お客様のユースケースに適した代替案を可能な限り提供するためにお力添えいたします。
Docker Sponsored Open Source (DSOS) への影響は?

Docker Sponsored Open Source プログラムは、ドキュメントページに記載されているすべてのリソースを含め、現状のまま継続されます:

DSOS プログラムの主な利点の一つは、対象となるプロジェクトに対してレート制限が少ないことです。この点は引き続き維持され、人気のある新しいプロジェクトが登場する際には、DSOS リソースが拡充され、継続的なサポートが提供される予定です。




For complete Docker Build Cloud documentation, visit


A builder is a build engine that you can use to run your builds. Each subscription plan comes with a default builder configuration. Contact sales if you need additional CPUs, Cache, RAM, IOPs, or builders. For more information on builders, visit ​​

What is the definition of a “build minute”?

“Build Minutes” refers to the amount of minutes used by the builders to access Docker Build Cloud whether from a user or automated system.

How do I pay for “build minutes”?
All paid subscriptions receive an amount of build minutes included each month. These included minutes do not rollover. Customers can pre-purchase additional build minutes either through self-serve or by contacting your sales rep. There is no on-demand consumption available at this time.
20,000 分以上購入できますか?
Yes. Customers can pre-purchase additional minutes in several different fixed increments from 500 to 20,000 minutes. There is no limit to how many minutes a customer can pre-purchase. Customers can pre-purchase as many buckets of 20,000 minutes as they want.
When will the pre-purchased build minutes expire?
All pre-purchased consumption expires at the end of a customer’s subscription term which can be monthly, annually or other agreed term.
If the minutes are used up in the middle of a build or builds, the service will not be interrupted. No new image builds can be executed unless additional minutes are pre-purchased.
Can I try Build Cloud without a paid subscription?
If you do not have a Docker subscription, you may sign up for a free Personal account, which comes with a free trial for Docker Build Cloud.
Customers can get an idea of their total consumption needs by analyzing usage patterns from the included build minutes in their trial or paid plan.

Usage is shown in the Docker Build Cloud admin portal.


Customers can view their usage at any time by visiting and logging in to their account. From there, consumption notifications can be modified under Settings & Billing. Select “Consumption notifications” to specify which users will receive notifications and when notifications are sent.

Can I disable Docker Build Cloud?

Yes. The Hub organization owner or admin can disable the service for the organization. Please refer to this doc for more info.


For complete Docker Scout documentation, visit

「Scout 対応リポジトリ」とは何ですか?どのように数えられますか?

A “Scout-enabled repository” is an image repository that has been explicitly enabled for Scout’s advanced image analysis.

Plan limits relating to Scout-enabled repositories refer to a maximum number of repositories that can be enabled with Docker Scout at any point in time.
For more information, please refer to this doc.

Scout 対応の追加リポジトリの支払い方法は?

Personal and Pro users have access to 1 and 2 Scout-enabled repositories respectively.

Those customers can access an unlimited number of Scout-enabled repositories by upgrading to a Team or Business plan.

How do I know how many repositories are Scout-enabled?

Please visit The repositories view provides real-time data on how many Scout-enabled repositories are enabled compared to your plan’s limit.

Can I disable the Docker Scout product access?

Yes. The owner and administrators of the Hub organization can delete the Scout account to disable the service access in their Hub organization. Please refer to our docs for more info.

Docker Testcontainers Cloud

For complete Testcontainers Cloud documentation, visit

「ワーカー時間 (分)」の定義とは?
ワーカー時間は、デスクトップと CI の両方のユースケースで Testcontainers Cloud の使用量を測定する単位です。
How do I pay for additional Cloud Runtime minutes?
Customers can pre-purchase minutes through sales only. Without pre-purchase, all usage will be charged automatically to the account at the end of each monthly billing cycle.

All paid subscriptions receive an amount of minutes included each month. These included minutes do not rollover. Customers can pre-purchase additional minutes by contacting their sales reps. If no minutes have been pre-purchased, customers will be billed for minutes exceeding their plan limits at the end of each monthly billing cycle at the on-demand rate.

When does pre-purchased consumption expire?
Customers are free to purchase any amount of consumption at any time during the subscription term. All pre-purchased consumption expires at the end of the subscription term, which can be monthly, annually or other agreed term.
Can I try Testcontainers Cloud without a paid subscription?
If you do not have a paid Docker subscription, you may sign up for a free Personal account which gives you a free trial for Testcontainers Cloud.

Users can see their usage on the page. We send monthly invoices that contain the number of worker minutes/seats used in the previous month.

Can I disable Docker Testcontainers Cloud?

Yes. The Testcontainers Cloud admin can delete the account and disable the service for the Hub organization. Refer to our docs for additional info.


無料の Docker Personal プランから有料の Docker プランにアップグレードする方法は?
Docker Pro から Docker Team プランにアップグレードできますか?
Docker Team プランからDocker Business プランにアップグレードするには?
Customers can perform upgrades through both self-service and sales-led purchase methods.
私は「Free Team」プランに加入しています。新しい Docker サブスクリプションプランに加入する方法は?
無料のチームプランは、セルフサービスおよび営業担当者経由での購入方法で、有料の Team プランまたは Business プランに加入することができます。
Docker Business プランから Docker Team プランにダウングレードできますか?
Yes. With the downgrade, you will lose the additional entitlements associated with a Business plan, your team will only have one Hub organization with only one Hub namespace, and your team size will be limited and you will not be able to use SSO to manage users or log in, and many more enterprise-grade security and governance features. You must contact the Docker Sales and Support team to complete the downgrade process.
Docker Business プランまたは Team プランから Docker Pro プランにダウングレードできますか?
いいえ。Pro プランには Hub 組織のサポートは含まれておらず、1人のユーザーのみが利用可能です。お客様は、最低 1 ユーザーで Team プランに留まるか、サブスクリプション期間の終了時にサブスクリプションをキャンセルするかを決定できます。